NASA Photos On My Birthday Content, Viral on TikTok

NASA Photos On My Birthday Content, Viral on TikTok, - Recently, there was an application, namely the NASA Photos On My Birthday Content, which is currently viral on TikTok. It displays astronomical images related to the user's birthday calendar.

NASA Photos On My Birthday content appears frequently on TikTok's For Your Page (FYP).

Users who don't want to miss out on the NASA Photos On My Birthday content trend on TikTok, here are the steps and how to use it as follows:

1. Visit

2. Then select the year and month of birth

3. Next select the date and day of birth

4. Later photos taken by NASA will appear on that date complete with explanations

5. Finish Click the image, then download

When you download it, users can directly upload it to their respective TikTok accounts.

For maximum results, don't forget to add other effects and ornaments to make the content more interesting.

Important information, NASA Photos On My Birthday content can only be followed by users born in June 1995 and above.

That is, users born under that, until now still haven't got the option.